Children’s Books

The Girl with the Robot Leg

Being Brave

A young girl with a prosthetic leg shows that her life is similar to that of her friends. She then learns an important lesson about being brave after an interaction with another child who is frightened when she removes her prosthetic leg at the swimming pool.

Being Bold

A young girl with a prosthetic leg is worried about the first day of school in a new class. She is bold and tells her story during show and tell, and this helps her make new friends who later stand up for her on the playground. She is thankful that she was bold when she goes to bed after the first day of school because her second day of school is much less scary.

Being Strong

In the third book of The Girl with the Robot Leg series, Poppy does her first triathlon. Her friend Sasha helps her throughout the race, and in the end she learns a valuable lesson about her own strength and the power of being stronger together.

Siendo Valiente

Una niña con una pierna protésica muestra que su vida es similar a la de sus amigos. Luego aprende una importante lección sobre ser valiente después de una interacción con otro niño que se asusta cuando se quita la prótesis de pierna en la piscina.

Siendo Atrevida

Una niña con una pierna prostética está preocupada por el primer día de clases en una nueva clase. Es atrevida y cuenta su historia durante el mostrar y contar. Esto la ayuda a hacer nuevos amigos que luego la defienden en el patio de recreo. Está agradecida de haber sido atrevida cuando se acuesta después del primer día de clases. Su segundo día de clases es mucho menos aterrador.

What readers are saying:

Great book for child and parent!

Being Bold is “[a] wonderful second book in the series! My little girl, who also has a robot foot, loves these books. As her mother, I love them too. Both the first and the second book answered a couple of very important questions for me about a loving way to respond when other children are not familiar with prosthetics. Both books have brought tears to my eyes. Many, many thanks to to the author for sharing these stories by writing these books!”

Great book – wonderful way to encourage children to be accepting of others’ differences!

“Purchased [Being Brave] for my niece and she absolutely loves it! She’s asked her mum to read it to her 6 times in the past 2 days, I feel like a successful Aunt. The large, bold pictures, as well as the easy-to-read print are great for her, as she is just starting to be able to keep track of stories as they are read to her. In these times, it is very important to encourage your children to accept people for their differences and that’s exactly what this book does. I heard there is another book coming out soon from the same author, I will be on the lookout to purchase the next one as well!”

Great book for teaching children about inclusivity!

“We have been having long talks about racism lately and discrimination in general. [Being Brave] had perfect timing. I realized they haven’t really been exposed to that many people with different abilities yet as we were reading through it and I love how the book incorporated more than just limb loss into the pictures. It gave us the opportunity to talk about all of that. I have always taught my children to love people because they are people, but lately I have been explaining that it’s not enough to just be inclusive of all people, but that it’s very important and I EXPECT every single one of them to not just disagree with rude/mean comments, statements, or jokes but to stand up for people and to tell their friends it isn’t acceptable to say things like that or treat people differently. It’s been a great teaching tool for us. I’m so glad I bought a copy.”

Everyone Should Read this Book

“[Being Bold] is such a powerful example of what it means for all of us to be accepted regardless of our own superpowers. This is such a lovely story of how we can each be our authentic selves and accept each other regardless of our differences. Such a needed message today more than ever. LOVED THIS BOOK.”